If you've ever felt like you're made for more...

And here's one thing I know for sure:

You're made for more.

How do I know this?

Well, I've been there too.

With big dreams, and high expectations, and all the determination, and feeling in a battle between my ambitious mind and my struggling body.

I created Become Empowered (with plenty of woofs of advice from my Jackapoo, Arlo!) because I know just how exhausting life can be with a chronic illness, and dreams that are so hard to reach.

I was burnt-out, frequently in hospital or stuck in bed, in an endless fight between my body's limitations and spiralling away from the life that could have been.

I know the struggle as well as you do.

I was exhausted, burnt out, and hopeless.

I felt that nobody had any belief in me or my future anymore.

I was in a constant battle between my mind and body.

I lost all my confidence and so much of who I was,

all for the sake of finding the perfect way of having the perfect success...

It all changed when one afternoon with my laptop in bed, and the slow onset of another burnout, I considered giving up on my dreams.

  • Maybe those big dreams I had for my life were just not meant for me?

  • Maybe I should accept that things wouldn't get better, that this was what I should accept for my life?

  • Maybe I should settle for a prognosis and a future of struggle?

  • Maybe I was made just for this, and nothing more?

As soon as I could see that this was rock bottom, it became the greatest blessing in my life.

I decided that life couldn't continue this way anymore, sacrificing my potential by battling against my body, a never-ending internal fight.

It was getting me nowhere.

I had to disconnect my worth from my medical records and

I needed the courage to take daily action that was

I needed to have a mindset spring clean to

I needed to develop an empowering mindset, and to treat myself

I had been living with disempowering beliefs, suppressed by limitations I didn't want, and it stopped me from creating my own fulfilment.

I started to dive into the programming of my mind:

Old mindset = why me?

New mindset = why not me! My mind is the most powerful force over my body, emotions, and actions

I started a business because I realised my purpose in life was to use my struggle as my strength to serve others:

Old mindset = what if I can't do it?

New mindset = I can achieve anything I put my mind to!

And I began to prioritise my health, happiness, and hobbies:

Old mindset = I should be more productive when I have time

New Mindset = I finally get to be me!

My biggest lessons have come from my greatest mistakes.

I have pushed too far at times, and on some occasions, not enough. I experienced cycles of prioritising my health to get the most out of life, before powering ahead into burnout.

I uncovered the beliefs and rules that fuelled me, and created a new map for my life.

I had come a long way, and I was no longer willing to sacrifice my own health, happiness, and authenticity for a glimpse of success.

I was determined to find another way

It was after this that Become Empowered was born to save all the dreams destined to be lost in the battle with chronic health challenges.

I took a wild, windy journey of growth and discovery to develop an empowering mindset that has allowed me to become an entrepreneur and live a life of fulfilment, balance, and limitless living. No longer is my body my cage, I create the life I desire.

Although it took me years to get to where I am today, it doesn't need to be like this.

I believe there should be a comprehensive process that guides women with chronic health conditions

from feeling exhausted, in pain, wasting their potential and giving up on their dreams,

to feeling fulfilled in their life, confident in creating their own success, being their healthiest ever, and living without limits.

I believe that every woman should have the opportunity to be the 'more' they know they were made to be.

I believe that every woman should have the opportunity to be the 'more' they know they were made to be.

Transforming my mindset was the only way I could grow away from the hopelessness I felt about my health, and find freedom from its confinement.

You've got what it takes to do this too.

Ready to start your journey?

I've put together a special workbook containing the process I use myself to become self-aware, create new empowering beliefs and practices, and to create a limitless life!

Just click below and I'll send you the workbook for free!

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